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 Responsibilities of Officers

Vice President of Academics (VPA)

5.2.2 The Vice Presidents shall be delegates to the Delegate Assembly; shall have as their primary duties the representation of the members of the categories they represent. In addition, they shall perform other responsibilities and duties assigned by the Chapter President and/or the Executive Board. In the event the Chapter President is absent or disabled, the Vice President from the alternate membership category shall automatically assume the duties of the presidency until such time as the Chapter President returns, or the Executive Board meets and appoints an Acting Chapter President or until a special election is held.

  • Represent the interests of academic staff members
  • Participate in Labor-Management meetings.
  • Be an active member of the Grievance and Workplace Concerns Committee.
  • Lead workshops of interest to Academics.
  • Be an active member of the Academic Council.
  • Knowledge of Federal and State labor law.
  • Knowledge of SUNY Board of Trustees policies.

Vice President of Professionals (VPP)

5.2.2 The Vice Presidents shall be delegates to the Delegate Assembly; shall have as their primary duties the representation of the members of the categories they represent. In addition, they shall perform other responsibilities and duties assigned by the Chapter President and/or the Executive Board. In the event the Chapter President is absent or disabled, the Vice President from the alternate membership category shall automatically assume the duties of the presidency until such time as the Chapter President returns, or the Executive Board meets and appoints an Acting Chapter President or until a special election is held.

  • Represent the interests of professional staff members
  • Assist the Membership Development Officer in developing and coordinating a department representative structure.
  • Participate in Labor-Management meetings.
  • Be an active member of the Grievance and Workplace Concerns Committee.
  • Lead workshops of interest to Professionals.
  • Be an active member of the Professional Council.
  • Active participant in twice-monthly New Employee Orientations.
  • Knowledge of Federal and State labor law.
  • Serve as a LI Federation of Labor Delegate.
  • Knowledge of SUNY Board of Trustees policies.

Academic Grievance Officer (AGO)

The role of the Academic Grievance Officer in the United University Professions (UUP) is to assist members of the bargaining unit with the processing of grievances related to academic issues. This officer is responsible for helping members navigate problems and concerns, ensuring that grievances are handled according to appropriate procedures. The officer typically reports to the chapter’s leadership, such as the Chapter President, the Chapter Board, and the Labor Relations Specialist, and also works closely with the Vice President for Academics. The position may also involve making recommendations to the Chapter Board regarding grievance processes

Professional Grievance Officer (PGO)

The role of the Professional Grievance Officer in the United University Professions (UUP) is to assist members of the bargaining unit with the processing of grievances related to professional issues. This officer is responsible for helping members navigate problems and concerns, ensuring that grievances are handled according to appropriate procedures. The officer typically reports to the chapter’s leadership, such as the Chapter President, the Chapter Board, and the Labor Relations Specialist, and also works closely with the Vice President for Professionals. The position may also involve making recommendations to the Chapter Board regarding grievance processes