by | May 31, 2018 | Advocacy, Benefits, Chapter Announcements, Home
The Stony Brook Center Chapter of UUP needs to get new membership cards signed by every single member to be in compliance with the new Taylor Law. The law was revised to protect Public Sector unions once the Janus Supreme...
by | May 25, 2018 | Advocacy, Home
United University Professions has come to a tentative agreement with the state on a new six-year contract that includes salary increases, paid family leave, and a minimum per-course salary for part-time academics. If ratified, the contract would take effect...
by | May 18, 2018 | Advocacy, Chapter Announcements
SUNY nonprofits created to handle special construction and development projects are cited in this NY Post story that blasts the nonprofits at CUNY and SUNY as bastions of special political favors and little oversight. Read it HERE...
by | May 17, 2018 | Advocacy, Chapter Announcements
This week, Public Service Recognition Week, we salute the many AFT members who are public employees—police officers and judicial system professionals, addiction counselors, water safety regulators, road service workers and government clerks, to name a few. The threat...
by | May 16, 2018 | Advocacy, Chapter Announcements
Faculty and staff who work in higher education know that many students are one emergency away from leaving college: A car repair or stolen backpack can be the difference between staying in school and on a path to a more …
by | May 15, 2018 | Advocacy, Chapter Announcements
A Freedom of Information request reveals that a nondisclosure agreement between SUNY and the former CEO of University Hospital at Upstate crafts a consulting job for the former executive with almost no responsibilities but a whopping salary of more than...
by | May 14, 2018 | Advocacy, Chapter Announcements
While a university system is meant to teach and inspire and conduct research, not act as an economic development incubator, it’s nice to know that the biggest employer in the state is not Walmart. Read...
by | May 9, 2018 | Advocacy, Chapter Announcements
Speak Truth to Power contest names video winners, including several from New York state. First Place Middle School Winner A full list of winners can be found...
by | May 4, 2018 | Advocacy, Chapter Announcements
Member2Member training begins UUP is working with its new organizers and with representatives of AFT’s organization and field services division to train members in one-to-one conversations about the union with other people in their bargaining units. The first round...
by | Apr 27, 2018 | Advocacy, Chapter Announcements
Retired NYSUT teachers remember what it was like before there was a strong union to protect them in this latest installment of the #OurVoice video series. Watch it now, then tell your friends...